AMC Automation, more than 30 years experience in the automation world.A multi-domain approach 01.Industrial IT Industrial IT 02.IT – Database management IT 03.Technical support Support 04.Electrical schematical Electrical schematicals 05.supervision training Formation Our customers who are we?AMC Automation, a team of engineers with 30 years of experience in building automated systems AnalyseTechnical specifications, costs analyses, comparisons and technical options, conceptual and functional analyses, analysis of computer networks. DevelopmentProgramming of processing units, data management, Intranet applications. Supply chainAutomation equipment, software packages and licenses, computer equipment. Set-up and commissioningElectrical schematics, assembly of equipment, electrical tests, assistance during the start-up.TrainingTraining on systems and equipment.Technical assistancePreventive maintenance, 24-hour assistance, remote assistance. 0Projects0Collaborators0years of know-how ContactA project? Contact us.By phone or by mail, we will answer you asap. AdresLocation:Rue de la Belle Vue, 14250 BoelheAdministrative location:route de Maastricht, 734651